+1 832 574 1012 info@Terefmission.org

We are here to help the People in need

Prayercall ministry is the prayer and teaching arm of Terefmissions. The focus is on teaching, prayer and intercession with the knowledge of the word to build up solid foundation in Christ, with a deepen growing intimate relationship with God; an oak of righteousness, making prayer and intercession a lifestyle. We have mandate to build old waste places, raise foundations of many generations and restorer of paths to dwell. [Isa. 58: 12] Thank you. 


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If We Do not Help
& Save Them, Who Will?

Nation builders. We build generations up through transforming children’s lives to reach their God given potentials. Our mission is to reach out to ethnic groups with the gospel , and build them up in solid foundation in Christ, to reach their God given potentials. We are in the business of reaching out, to build up lives

June 18, 2020In wolfrp55@aol.com

Donate Food for the Poor People

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and…

June 18, 2020In wolfrp55@aol.com

Donate Food for the Poor People

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and…

June 18, 2020In wolfrp55@aol.com

Donate Food for the Poor People

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and…

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Even the smallest of donations can help change a life.

Communities will be reach to teach, educate to recognize, and develop their God given potentials. Restore broken relationships and paths in life. Repairer of old waste places. Build Strength,   self-confidence and hope for the future Raise up the foundations of many generations. Discover and pursue purpose. Equip for success, through empowering, in skill building, to contribute to solving society problems , of unemployment and poverty.

Helping Hands

Charity to help Change the lives of Children

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Donations Can
nHelp Change a

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Join your hand with us for a better life and beautiful future. Save the life to make the better world.

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Donators Say


Be planted in his community as transforming agent
Each child discovers created potentials and fulfills purpose
Develop a lifestyle of ultimate relationship with God
Impact spiritual wisdom
Build character, sound biblical guidance and direction
Develop confidence in self to make wise decisions when face with difficult issues and challenges

Upcoming Events

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for charity donations